Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 6


We did "U is for Umbrella." Hyrum actually joined us at the table! :)


Then, it was time for Hyrum's morning I quickly left the kids to put Hyrum down. They had markers and do-a-dot type paints and I was hoping to be quick.


Of course, even just three minutes meant a big mess with Ellie there.


This week we read the story of the Gingerbread Man. Emmett really enjoyed it. We read it. We acted it out. He loved being the Gingerbread Man. He'd say, "Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me; I'm Emmett man!" LOL

We made people chains and decorated them.


Of course, we made gingerbread cookies!


Abby and Emmett watched them bake while wondering if OUR cookies would pop up after baking and run away.


The cookies got this kid's seal of approval, though!


Emmett also completed a Mighty Math Mission by tallying all of the circles in our kitchen he could find.



Well, we did get the first grade Pathway Readers and I had planned to start them this week, but we also got a Magic Tree House book that Abby and I have been reading aloud together. I'm not going to squash excitement over reading!


We reviewed when to use "c" or "k" at the beginning of a word and reviewed the double letter rule as well.


Of course, Emmett wanted to jump in and use the rice too.


We completed lesson 19 and learned when to use a "k" or "ck" at the end of a word. These spelling rules really do click with her. Mostly, she doesn't seem to need to see the words more than once or twice before she is spelling them all correctly.



We've been working through Miquon and Abby has been flying through it. I've been assuming all along that after K math, we'd jump into Singapore Primary Math. We've played a lot of games, we've covered addition and subtraction, she can solve problems with the rods.


I had felt like I was just sort of pulling what to teach through separate sections: Miquon being the primary, but I've also used ideas from Gattegno Mathematics, MEP Math, Math Mammoth, and Let's Play Math! as well as fellow homeschooler's blogs and my own head. I felt, however, that it was time to buy Singapore 1a to see really where I needed to be directing all of this work towards. We got it this Thursday and I opened it up and realized that all that spiraling back to numbers and addition and number bonds especially is really building a well-laid foundation. Abby has her number bonds up to 6 memorized and is very nearly solid on her number bonds of 10. I am absolutely sure that she understands the concept firmly. If I give her part-whole circles she can find all the number bonds to whatever number I've asked... And if I give her the numbers and ask her to pair up the bonds, she hardly ever needs the rods.


We will camp out here for however long it takes her to be really good with the bonds up for 7, 8, 9 and completely automatic with bonds of 10.

Memory Work:

We worked on the rhyme Once I Caught a Fish Alive. We made pop-up books of fish to go along with it, but I didn't take a picture. Abby colored hers as a rainbow fish. It was a perfect time to read her The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

We also started working on memorizing the months of the year. That came naturally from the discussion we had about this week being the last of September.


We rowed All Those Secrets of the World by Jane Yolen this week. I don't know why we haven't done this book before. It is a sweet book about a little four-year-old girl and what happens when her daddy goes off to war. She learns the "secret of the world' that things look smaller when they're far away. When her daddy gets back two years later, he comments that she was much bigger than he remembered. She whispers her secret in his ear, that she is bigger now because he is close to her.

I have a lot of feelings about this book. Probably because, while my husband hasn't been gone for two years straight, we have lived through our fair share of separations due to the military, including two deployments. At our house, we call it "long work" and we are very grateful that Daddy is now in a squadron that has a very, very low chance of deploying him for another 15ish months.

Our lessons were very simple and nothing strongly awe-inspiring, but sometimes, that's what learning is about.

Social Studies:

  • We found the state of Virginia on our map. We talked about Daddy's brother who is in the Navy and lives in Virginia.
  • Janie and her cousin take an impromptu walk in the Chesapeake Bay. We talked about what a bay is and I asked Abby to point out a few other bays. She found the Bay of Biscay, Bristol Bay and the Hudson Bay.
  • We discussed what it means to be patriotic and counted all the American flags we could find in the book. We talked about our country's other symbols and listened to a song by the Teacher and the Rockabots called Symbols of America.
Language Arts:
  • The children in the book wade in the bay even though they were told not to. Janie's cousin tells her that they were told not to swim in the bay, but nobody said they couldn't wade in it. I discussed with Abby why that was still wrong. It was interesting to discuss this with her because she is a very innocent child. She takes whatever someone tells her as a whole truth. When I read what Michael told Janie, I asked her if she thought that was still okay. She told me that Michael wouldn't say it if it wasn't, so it must be. Abby has dabbled a bit in lying, but she's not very good at it and is quick to tell me the truth. Developmentally, I know she's capable of lying, but I don't think it morally suits her. Of course, that's how I would prefer it. :)
  • Because of the secret shared here--that when things are further away they appear smaller--we discussed how we make things look far away in art. We talked about viewpoint and size in creating the perspective of distance in art and found other pictures that had these same techniques.
  • We plan to listen to the song mentioned in the book, Over There, this weekend.
  • When Janie's dad leaves, she is 4. When he returns, she is 6. We found the difference between 6 and 4. I told Abby that time was about as long as the time we've had Ellie. Her eyes grew wide. Then, we did some skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, and even 3s and observed the patterns it made on our 100 chart.

  • This was the exciting lesson of the week! We learned about oil and water and how they separate. We made our own bottles with colored water and oil (and glitter, of course!).
  • Then I smeared some oil on a plate and asked Abby to try to clean it. She turned on the cold water and tried to wash it off. Of course, that didn't work. Then, we discussed the importance of using warm or hot water. Then I asked her what else do we use to wash. "Soap!" So, I placed some water and soap in our fourth bottle and asked her if she thought it would mix. She said no. Imagine her surprise when it did! We discussed how soap helps things mix with water and get it cleaner.


Our kids are so spoiled. I think we went to four parks or so this week. At one park, we saw a frog jump out of the sand and go enjoy some rocks.


We also found a grasshopper in our back yard and let the kids inspect them. Emmett was willing, Abby freaked. LOL


The kids have loved writing on our sliding glass door with dry erase markers for the last little bit. The other day, Abby wrote a note to Ms. Frizzle.


On our calendar spot, we record the date and how many days we've been in school. (I told the kids when we get to 100 we can have a party.) This whole week, our date and number of days in school have lined up. That was totally not planned, but the kids pointed it out and thought it was cool.


This weekend is Conference weekend. I had an assignment to go to some world fair today at the college, so I was thinking we would miss the first few sessions and have to read them later. Apparently, Heavenly Father really wanted me to hear these sessions, though, because the older two kids were throwing up all last night. My poor husband was up with them most of the night. It has hit Emmett worse than Abby and the poor boy is having difficulty keeping anything down. I guess it is a great day to cuddle up, and listen to the desires of God. Tomorrow they will probably be feeling better and will be listening for key words to earn a treat. Until then, we'll have a day of jammies and loafing.


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